Video installation “The Lighthouse of Digital Art” at RAW Berlin.
For this years HTW student exhibtion, Ms. M. and Mr. R. joined the squat. Previous to the showcase was an outdoor Yoga class. Here are some selected hightlights of the wide range of the exhibits.
In addition to the Art Directors Club congress and exhibition, I signed up for the “insights”. It is a mixture of workshops and talks from a well-chosen pool of companys. There is no extra fee, but the number of tickets is limited.
The exhibition was part of the ADC festival 2018. Project of the major German design / advertising agencies and university projects from the newcomers were displayed in as equals.
After tackling some minor problems with the German railroad company – Asoomda Kim and I had a wonderful day at the ADC congress 2018.
Henrike Ott and I made the decisions to take a spontaneous trip to the Neuköllner KreativKongress No. 4 – we met the new district mayor and a lot of local freelancers and small businesses.