I wish you a bright and notefull year 2019. May this booklet be filled with many completed to-do’s. Beware of wasps.
My office is slowly growing – my latest arrival is the mini-biotope by Waldglas. This time the BGD opened their doors in at Xlane in Kreuzberg.
On the 25th of August was the first FFF-Day (Female Future Force) conference in Berlin. A good mixture of national entrepreneurs and international speakers – with colourful candy and (weirdly but good) sausages.
The exhibition was part of the ADC festival 2018. Project of the major German design / advertising agencies and university projects from the newcomers were displayed in as equals.
After tackling some minor problems with the German railroad company – Asoomda Kim and I had a wonderful day at the ADC congress 2018.
Henrike Ott and I made the decisions to take a spontaneous trip to the Neuköllner KreativKongress No. 4 – we met the new district mayor and a lot of local freelancers and small businesses.